Category: Uncategorised
Sprint 03 Beyond vision Reflective Analysis – Beyond Vision COMMONS Sprint 4 The Commons_Reflection
‘…consider how the arts and contemporary theory structure “the commons” anew: how the commons becomes both a goal and a trope in post-millennial art and cultural theory.’ (Amy J. Elias) I thought that the commons was a new concept because I had no prior knowledge of it. The term ‘commons’ can signify three things: 1) […]
“Embodied knowledge, while often denigrated and disavowed within the modern colonial episteme, confirms that Western scientistic validity comprises only one kind of knowing. Manifest through poetics, aesthetics, and other bodily attunements, sensuous knowledges open to Manifest through poetics, aesthetics, and other bodily attunements, sensuous knowledges open to alternative modes of relation. […] A sensory, embodied, […]
Sensory Approaches in Art Derek Jarman’s Blue Watch the excerpt of Derek Jarman’s Blue. Write a short text (c. 250 words) that responds to the following question and post this to your blog. In her article, “Derek Jarman’s Blue: Negating the Visual”, Jenna Carine Ashton states “The auditory comes to replace the visual; with Blue […]
Play Sprint 1 Weird_Reflection How ‘play’ dissolved in a social turn? Sprint2_Week4#Play Sprint 1 Weird
Weird Returning to the topic of the first week of research, I will be reorganising and reflecting on my research on weird. At first, when I approached the topic of ‘weird’, I couldn’t immediately imagine an explanation for it, as I had a preconceived idea that weird represented eccentricity, but as I began to research […]
Reflective analysis on play Let me start by answering the question scenario posed this week. The biggest problem with art at the moment in this country [the United States], and obviously in France as well, is that there is no spirit of rebellion, no new ideas appearing among young artists. They follow the […]
“Weird Studies”: an academic field that does not and cannot exist. First,let’s do an interview with the question, what do you think is weird? Student A: As far as I’m concerned,Weird means that someone or something is different from most people and things. It’s often a derogatory term.weird people often endure the loniness and pain […]
Based on my weird space, I have created a neologism: monsmusic,which is originally from the English words: monster and music. It means: all music that sounds weird, although it may be scary like a “monster”, it has a great energy, a power that gives people hope. For example, the music I have chosen for my […]
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