Nowadays, time is regarded as an exceedingly scarce resource. People are constantly looking for methods to make their time more productive and meaningful. Games and entertainment, on the other hand, have become one of the most significant ways to relax and release tension. As people grow older, their perception of the concept of play evolves. This is why my curatorial project “PLAY-TIME-HUMAN” has received such positive feedback. It intends to challenge people to think about and re-examine the concept of time and play by studying the relationship between play, time, and humans.

Firstly, before the exhibition began, I communicated with pavilion employees and planned and created the exhibition space. During the exhibition, I coordinated the installation and removal of the exhibition with the pavilion staff. At the same time, I needed to guarantee that the exhibits were displayed in accordance with my curatorial concept and goals, as well as the overall atmosphere and effect of the exhibition. Consequently, I must constantly interact and coordinate with pavilion personnel, artists, and volunteers to guarantee the exhibition runs successfully.

Secondly, I need to be mindful of the experience and desire of the audience. JL has offered a great help to me in setting up the exhibition site. As a curator, I also need to set up interactive areas for visitors to better understand the content of the exhibition.Meanwhile, I paid attention to the feedback and opinions of the visitors so that I can make necessary adjustments during the exhibition.

Finally, I need to focus on the publicity and promotion of the exhibition. I conducted publicity before the exhibition, including social media, posters, and so on, in order to attract more audiences to the exhibition. At the same time, during the exhibition, I conducted publicity and promotion through different channels in order to expand the impact of the exhibition. For instance, by distributing leaflet on campus. By doing so, I invited many audiences to our exhibition. This experience has both honed my social skills and brought more attention to our curatorial work.

Overall, curatorial fieldwork requires the curator to have a thorough grasp of the operation and organisation of the exhibition to ensure its success and audience satisfaction. The process of curating an exhibition is not easy, but it is worth it to see the audience entertained and enlightened on the spot.

These are pictures of some of my audience participating in my curatorial projects.