One-on-one tutorials and peer-to-peer discussions with my mentor have given me a different way of thinking . In my initial curatorial ideas, I was too “closed” to the idea of curating around “individual” projects. On the one hand, it cut off the inspiration for the theme of collaboration with the artist.On the other hand, although I considered the interaction between the audience and the curator in the project, I neglected the audience’s personal reflection on the theme and the artwork.

In contemporary art exhibitions, we emphasize the importance of interactive art. If a work has only one interpretation or one level. Then it will become limiting. However, art itself is an open field. “The art system (Cornock and Edmonds Citation1973) consists of the dynamic interactive artwork. The art system (Cornock and Edmonds Citation 1973) consists of the dynamic interactive artwork, the audience and the environmental context. The role of the contemporary curator has also shifted from that of caretaker of the artwork to a more dynamic and proactive one. In curating, the artist is not the center of the exhibition. Obviously, so are the audience and the curator. The center of curation is “interaction“. Therefore, how to achieve the interactive function of curation is crucial consideration for curators.



(Ernest Edmonds, Zafer Bilda & Lizzie Muller)


With this in mind, I begin to look for ways to connect artists, artworks, audiences and curators in my curatorial projects.





1.Cornock, S. and Edmonds, E. A. 1973. The creative process where the artist is amplified or superseded by the computer. Leonardo, 16(1): 11–16.

2.Ernest Edmonds, Zafer Bilda & Lizzie Muller (2009) Artist, evaluator and curator: three viewpoints on interactive art, evaluation and audience experience, Digital Creativity, 20:3, 141-151.