In the video, it shows the audio display of the video narrator for Canadian fish as research partners. The atmosphere of “fish” is created through the display of indigenous voices and voice narration. Without taking pictures of fish from a human subjective perspective, we enter the world of “fish” from a third perspective and […]
01 From the artwork ‘BLUE’, I remember a sentence which touched me a lot. Your body is the whole ocean. My body is the droplet, or the spark, forming below your tongue. The auditory comes to replace the visual; with Blue there is a sensory tussle as we are forced to listen. Reflecting on your […]
Themes: Tianxing Peng Yinan Lu Kate Xiaotong Wu周34-播放/?unapproved=6&moderation-hash=3e4a4cdebc67ea26c80bc7c6d31520ac#comment-6
Open learning: Yinan Lu–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/14/art-assignment/–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/04/make-gold/ Tianxing Peng–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/16/sprint-2-portfolio-reflective-analysis-end-of-sprint/?unapproved=4&moderation-hash=96029dbe0cc9dce721b4197854e2b02d#comment-4 Zhiqian Zhang–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/13/sprint-2/?unapproved=6&moderation-hash=5e42b815a2bca945ee76b1d117394527#comment-6 Yirong Fan–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/09/30/sprint-1-p2p-reflective-blog/#comment-6–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/14/sprint-2-open-art-toolkit-reflective-blog/#comment-7
Review About Week3 – PLAY&SCORE 01 Before the class, I had an advance preview about the theme of this sprint. The key point we are going to learn is What PLAY is and how we “make a play”. At the beginning of the class, Jake showed us a paper named a summary of the characteristics of […]
The Problem Scenario: ‘”Weird Studies” is a scholarly field that doesn’t and can’t exist. The Weird is that which resists any settled explanation or frame of reference. It is the bulging file labelled “other/misc.” in our mental filing cabinet, full of supernatural entities, magical synchronicities, and occult rites. But it also appears when a work […]
My conlang: mad-geni-lization——madgenilization Which was come from: madness, genius and civilization. 1/ The first idea was from a story I saw it on the social media post, which was about that a doctor found that two patients were talking happily while they were silent in the day time. So the story showed that maybe we […]
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