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Week12#Last modification about my exhibition

Part I: Artist and Work Modification

The picture is the communication record between me and one of the artists I was in contact with because her work has been commercialized by a studio in China. In the final evaluation of the studio, it was decided not to submit the work to participate in my exhibition, so I had to carry out Urgent modifications. So I will delete the relevant content about Li Zhang’s “Hua Jian Ji” in my exhibition. At the same time, I also asked my friends and teachers to help me find another very talented artist to participate in the exhibition. . His name is Shunhong Hu.

His work is called Symbiotic Nature. The concept video starts from the perspective of nature to think about the role of natural creatures in the metaverse, imagine the neural network activated by plants in nature, and synchronize the real “natural breathing” to the virtual “digital Ecology”, forming a scene where real and virtual echo each other. Light green, gentle sunlight, transparent water… all green life thrives in the virtual space. As a “community of destiny”, man and nature are integrated into the virtual universe, where all things gather and coexist with nature.

I think his works have very well implemented the biological concept of one flower and one world that I want to express. When human beings enter the virtual world and the digital age, is the attention paid to nature gradually decreasing? For me, the concept of flower does not just refer to flowers, roses, lilies, etc., but a collective expression of natural plants. I think that every plant has its own unique world, and we need to always maintain the relationship between man and nature. The concept of harmonious symbiosis, to observe the world of plants, to enter the world of nature.

Part II: Modification of promotion text

1. Title of project: 
One Flower: One World 

2. Artist involved: 
Congjin He; Haiwen Zhu; Hui Luo; Jingyi Wang; Junjiang Liu; Shunhong Hu; Ziqi Lin

3. 25-word short description: 
In a mysterious, technological garden, find your own pieces of the environment and discover the secrets of integrating humans and their environment.

4. 300-500 longer description:
What are you thinking when you look at a flower? Do flowers ‘see’ you too? Do Bionic Flowers Dream of Electronic Gardens? This exhibition presents the concept of the heart coexisting with flowers. Flowers don’t have the means to express themselves and don’t confine their lives, we should live symbiotically with the environment rather than colonize it. Beautiful plants wield their bodies and in visualizing alternative understandings of flowers, we can reverse perception and create a model which cautions but also-explore the hope and possibility of future biological equality.
One Flower: One World creates a world of flowers, an electronic garden in which the artworks embody the perspective of the environment. Here, we remove the colonization of the environment and flowers, and instead, we bring flowers into the pixel world from an equal perspective. By using digital media technology to build dreams belonging to flowers we can explore the potential consciousness of flowers. We interact with the heart of the flower, and when we touch it, we touch the world, and the surrounding environment is also perceived in new ways.
In this exhibition, we use the works of the digital garden to leave evidence of “existence”, and everyone will get a different digital garden work experience, which is also a similar counterproductive effect, each person is unique, and each flower is different.
“Decolonizing” the world, I hope that we can feel more about nature in those pauses in life, and environmental sustainability requires us to have this awareness first.

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