Promotion Text

Title of project: Through the Lens of Youth

Artists involved: Yixin Shen, Jiawen Wu, Yunxia Wang, Xingchen Zhang

25 word short descriptor:

Experience the power of micro movies in Through the Lens of Youth, showcasing young Chinese artists using unique storytelling styles to voice their perspectives on different aspects of Chinese society.

300-500 word longer descriptor:

Since the concept of the “caméra-stylo”(“camera-pen”) was introduced by Alexandre Astruc in 1948, film was evolving into a language, with the potential to become a flexible and nuanced means of writing. As a powerful and influential art form, many artists have embraced cinema as a medium to tell their stories, express their ideas and convey their thoughts.

With the emergence of online video-sharing sites, micro movies, as a new sub-genre of cinema opened up a new space for artistic experimentation and freedom of expression in China. With lower budgets and minimal equipment requirements, micro movies offer a unique opportunity for young artists to express themselves and create works that challenge traditional modes of storytelling. In China, the freedom offered by micro movies has allowed young artists to evade state censorship and come face-to-face with social and political issues that might not have been possible in mainstream media. By democratizing access to the means of creative production, micro movies have become an essential way for expanding the boundaries of artistic expression, and empowering voices that may have been silenced in the past.

The four artists in Through the Lens of Youth find different ways to explore the power and potential of this exciting new art form. Each artist delves into different topics prevalent in Chinese society, using their unique storytelling style to showcase their observations, struggles and contemplations. Being part of the younger generation in a society experiencing rapid economic development, these artists not only expose the underlying problems underneath the facade of development and progress – such as the deprivation of bodily sovereignty and the issues with childhood education resulting from historical and cultural legacies, but also keenly capture the collective emotions of contemporary youth, including subcultural memory  and the sense of rootlessness in modern cities. These works showcase the dignity of these young artists as they strive to care, express their voices and foster new values.

Come and immerse yourself in Through the Lens of Youth to witness how young artists in China are using micro movies to voice their opinions and showcase their unique perspectives on societal issues. It is also an opportunity to experience their unique storytelling styles and discover interesting techniques to incorporate into your own work. Don’t miss the chance to engage with these powerful and thought-provoking works of art.

The venue is fully wheelchair accessible. Please get in touch with organisers with any additional access requirements.

X1 Image (and image caption ‘artist, title, date’)

Yixin Shen, The Lives of Youngsters Living in China 2020-2021, 2021

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