Week 1 ‘Major’ and ‘Minor’

Contemporary, Critically and Care in Curating

“Broken globalization marked by the crises of late capitalism. “(from course slide) Contemporary curating also encompasses the concept of practice-led research, which views creative work as a form of research in itself.

‘Criticality’ seems to suggest a willingness to challenge consensus, and introduce new questions. It involves a process of unraveling existing frameworks and perspectives and engaging with uncertainty in order to truly learn and generate new insights.

“care” refers to the concept of caregiving, nurturing, and sustaining social bonds through activities related to social reproduction. As an alternative ethical framework to neo-liberalism, care can be a transformative force in addressing the crises created by the existing capitalist order.

Reflection on reading resources
Thea, Carolee. On Curating: Interviews with Ten International Curators : By Carolee Thea. 
Interview 2006: Roselee Goldberg

This interview with Roselee Goldberg in 2006 discussed the topic of inserting performance back into the history of art. Goldberg raises thought-provoking questions about how performance, as an early stage of artwork creation, has shaped 20th-century art, yet is often undervalued and under-discussed.  Additionally, Goldberg highlights the interdisciplinary nature of performance art and shares efforts to encourage more artists to explore and incorporate performance in their work. The interview also touches on the topic of reconstructing history through art, citing Marina Abramovic’s Seven Easy Pieces, which restages various 70s works in a critical sense to create something entirely new.

A key content I would like to highlight from the interview was Marina Abramovic’s Seven Easy Pieces, which advocated for change through the creation of new forms, collapsing the formal aspects of painting and sculpture, and blurring the boundaries between disciplines. I think this can be seen as a trend in contemporary artwork.

Seven Easy Pieces, Marina Abramovic, 2005

The interview resonates with me because of the mention of performance-related video art, such as Issac Julien’s True North Series (2004), BJØRN MELHUS’ films, and Joan Jonas’s work. It brings to my attention the emerging trend of exhibiting video works that combine performance and video/film. This prompts me to reflect on the ways in which artists blend performance and video art, and the unique contributions that performance brings to the realm of video art.

True North, ISAAC JULIEN, 2007
Joan Jonas. Performance. “Out Takes. What The Storm ...
Joan Jonas. Performance. “Out Takes. What The Storm Washed In”


‘Major’ and ‘Minor’
Major curating – Talbot Rice Gallery
Lara Favaretto, ‘Momentary Monument – The Library’, 2022. Installation view.
Qiu Zhijie, Installation view, 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Talbot Rice Gallery
View of video on four screens in a dark corner, with three stills visible on three of the four screens
Nira Pereg, 2015, Ishmael

Major curating often involves larger exhibitions or collections at prestigious institutions with broader themes, artists, or movements, receiving significant attention from the art world, media, and public. For example, Talbot Rice Gallery’s exhibition on the concept of monuments featured three artists from different countries, offering unique perspectives based on their cultural backgrounds. This kind of exhibition also requires substantial budgets, resources, research, conservation, and marketing efforts.

Although we didn’t find examples of minor curating in Edinburgh, our peers shared their perspectives in class. Compare to major curating, minor curating may involve exhibitions or collections with a narrower focus, featuring lesser-known artists or themes, hosted in smaller galleries, community spaces, or online platforms. It may focus on emerging artists and unconventional themes. Minor curating may have a localized impact, catering to specific audiences or communities.


  • Practice-led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts, edited by Hazel Smith, and Roger T. Dean, EdinburghUniversity Press, 2009. ProQuest EbookCentral, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/unsw/detail.action?docID=475756.
  • Thea, Carolee. On Curating: Interviews with Ten International Curators : By Carolee Thea.

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