a soundscape. startingpoint> what is a scape?


-scape. a combining form extracted from landscape, denoting “an extensive view, scenery,” or “a picture or representation” of such a view, as specified by the initial element: cityscape; moonscape; seascape. (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/-scape)

in this case the scape of sound.

the sounds itself make the map of the sound – the soundscape. a soundscape is subjective but objective in the same time. the way we map it is purely subjective. the sounds that stand out to us as subjects. different soundscapes in different places.



being aware of my own soundscape

in this process and research – learning to understand the sounds surrounding me, noticing the sounds. listening to them instead of hearing them. I bet my scape differs from yours. its mine.

researching others soundscapes

so, when thinking about my soundscape, it becomes visual. because when i hear, i see, i smell and i feel.

but how do i visualise others soundscape. do i understand the feeling connected to it? how does a sound, unknown to me and recorded by someone else represent itself visually in my mind? researching subjective soundscapes – visualising sounds. visualising the sound of others.


the sounds

trying out

i tried to visualise through painting with watercolour’s, how the sounds could either effect me specifically with shapes of the world or with shapes of imagination, colours and moods. i found it too simple for the task. to quit in a way that made the visualisations too still.

working digitally with audio

consider this my final work in the project surrounding sound mapping. my personal research working with sound showed me the complexity of soundscapes and the way we perceive the sounds surrounding us in our environment. it is a world of complexities that is both exciting and hard to work with.

this work shows all four of the recorded sounds that my soundscape project consists of. all sounds have been submerged into one and is visualised through a digital program. it shows ud how sounds are both different and same at the same time. both rhythmical and noise. listen closely to separate the sounds or make sense of it. like the kaos we experience every day in the city. a manifestation of how we get confronted with mixed sounds in our surroundings. we have learned to listen closely to separate the sounds. but are they all just one of the same sound?