
In this week’s blog, I would like to answer the pre-class questions, and since I am in the Green group, I would like to reply the questions related to Tippers.

1、Write a definition for your axis of analysis.

In my opinion, Tippers express a state of being, of being human and of the environment. In other words, a tipper can be understood as a kind of behavior, a kind of human behavior to change the ecology. This action can be represented by eight different verbs: TAKE, GRID, CROWD, PIPE, SMOOTH/SPEED, BURN, DUMP. Simply put, Tippers is a verb.

How is it described in Feral Atlas?

Tippers: Modes of infrastructure-mediated state change. Infrastructures change land-, air-, and waterscapes, and often profoundly so.A “state change” is a transition so radical that initial configurations of elements, and the relational dynamics between them, no longer hold.” (Scheffer, M.)

How would you explain it to someone else?

I might refer to the Feral Atlas example, for example “BURN. Humans have used fire for most of the existence of our species. But something changed in the 19th century with the industrial use of fossil fuels—and again in the 20th century with the deployment of nuclear fuels.” (feralatlas.supdigital.org, n.d.)

2、Describe the relationship between your axis of analysis and the feral entities studied in the field reports.

The relationship between Tippers and feral entities reported in the field is one of state or action and the acceptor of action. I want to explain the relationship with global warming.Tipper is burned, and burning fossil fuels is a wild entity.Global warming is a wild effect I don’t know if that’s right or wrong.

Besides I found a link on youtube, which is divided into 16 sections, which tells what the Feral Atlas is at the fifth minute and Tippers at the 18th minute. In addition to reading the Feral Atlas website, this video is also a great way to learn about the Feral Atlas.


Reference list

feralatlas.supdigital.org. (n.d.). Feral Atlas. [online] Available at: https://feralatlas.supdigital.org/?cd=true&bdtext=introduction-to-feral-atlas.

Scheffer, M. Critical Transitions in Nature and Society (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009).




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