
The three key terms our group has come up with this week are: collaboration and participation, participative observation in contemporary art practices and participative thinking. (figure 1)

Figure1 the map of three key words

In addition, this week I changed my own view of collaborative art practice. Before reading this week’s  article, I think Collaborative Art Practice is a popular trend, both ten years ago and now. Collaborative Art Practice can be divided into many different aspects, such as cooperation between art and business, cooperation between art and politics, and cooperation between art and culture. In the literature I read, I saw a lot of collaborations between artistic practices. In 1990, for example, Rirkrit Tiravanija encouraged gallery-goers to eat a bowl of pad Thai at Paula Allen Gallery in New York.  (Video 1) “In this deceptively simple conceptual piece, the artist invites the visitor to interact with contemporary art in a more sociable way, and blurs the distance between artist and viewer. You aren’t looking at the art, but are part of itand are, in fact, making the art as you eat curry and talk with friends or new acquaintances.”(Stokes, 2012)The public participated in this art practice, which gave the public a deeper sense of participation and novelty than if the public just visited the gallery with their eyes. Therefore Collaborative Art practice is more likely to be collaboration between artists and public in a certain area and time. This video is about Rirkrit Tiravanija’s work.

Video1 Rirkrit Tiravanija: Cooking Up an Art Experience

To sum up, now it seems to me that the essence of collaborative art practice, whether it’s to build a community temporarily or to serve the interests, is to do art on a human basis.


Reference list

Stokes, R. (2012). MoMA | Rirkrit Tiravanija: Cooking Up an Art Experience. [online] Moma.org. Available at: https://www.moma.org/explore/inside_out/2012/02/03/rirkrit-tiravanija-cooking-up-an-art-experience/.

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