My question is that I do not know how to connect works and sites well.

The advice Catriona gave me was an important point about the sites which are about non Gallery spaces and not working in an art context,. What I did was a documentary film, so I am already working in a site. But I could take it further , because “I’ve seen recently the first of all documentary film is not an art technique. It’s a film technique. It exists outside the art world already although. There is a lot of documentary filming in art, too. I use it in my artwork, which means it does exist outside of art, so that’s good.

Also I focus on interviews, . If I think about archives and materials, I can re-record this process of interviewing and playing materials.
So I filmed some visuals and then later I got him to stalk about it like I watch the visuals together silently. I mean talk and have a conversation.
And then I can take that material and bring it back into the film and re edit.

Another problem I need to improve and update is that I put too much text on the blog. I can add more visual references and pictures to make the presentation of the work more visual.

Also he gave me some artist references, like European western
and artist : Werner Herzog

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

And another platform for playing videos