In the first tutorial, I got feedback from the professor for my last project: this general feedback was going in a really good direction, and he thinks it focused predominantly on the subject matter that I was looking at about Chinese culture, and Scotland kind of thought that was a really really good strong subject not very many people have explored so, that’s got two things. It’s a good thing about the interesting point for me to explore that more. But the tricky thing as well is there’s not much material out there for me to see what other people might have done.


The focus of my project this semester is a first-generation Chinese who immigrated to the UK and opened a seafood and fishery shop here. In the process of communicating with the owner of the seafood restaurant, I found many stories of her, about the reasons for his immigrant, the difficulties he encountered in the process of starting a business here, and how to start a new family here as an outsider.


The professor’s advice to me is, and the thing is still deal with cultural goods in the production of food and the transportation of food and the customers for food. particularly looking at it nicely. Because there’s any other demographic to really get he think I’ ve mentioned the work of our security (because I mentioned last semester that there are still some serious and difficult smuggling methods behind the cultural issue of immigration, such as those who want to smuggle(immigrant) need to live in a container for 2-3 months).


So what I should be doing is planning and thinking about how I will exhibit my work (link to sites). because it’s one thing making my film within the studio, but also I can get some feedback from the audience. (because  get like respond response feedback from the audience is an essential thing.)

Another more important point is that I need to show more of what I have learned from the artist.


reference: 3 artists

  1. Allan sekula
  2. Adam Chodzko
  3. Charlotte prodger