This week we went to museums, botanical gardens and galleries to explore our favourite works of art and learn about the stories and materials behind them. Explore the mysteries of nature and art.

National Gallery


Le grand amoureux I (The Great Lover I) by Max Ernst

The basic graphic elements(circle,  cuboid, etc)  and human body elements are connected into one painting, the painting uses this basic geometry to show us human faces.I think art is always like this, like colliding existing items with new ideas.


Portrait of Val McDermid II by Audrey Grant

The author of this sketching is Audrey Grant who created an interesting process on his sketching. He repeated the sketching process into the same paper several times, from the background, dyeing to contour drawing by using charcoal.


Open BY Chris Ofili

This painting uses different materials with folding materials and sticking materials on to painting board, for example, Ofili uses elephant dung in his work, ‘partly as a Dadaist gesture, as an ironic symbol of Africanism, but also as a way of introducing a sense of ambiguity into what is actually a sensual, decorative painting’.




National museum


Cloud Glass 1 by Brouke deVries

The artist collected the reclaimed and discarded materials from different countries, emphasising the notion of Green artworks and recycling products.

The original forms of objects are protected by his artwork.


Ceremonial Cup of Friendship  by Ian Ferguson

The object with different textures of material  shows into this artwork, it incorporates the traditional Japanese technique of mokume gane which creates patterns resembling wood grain.


Campionissimo by Drummond Masterton

Derivation of objects is like the natural being, which leads me to link to the design of architectural function, some spatial allocation is like the natural being, like a spider weaving a web.



Botanic Garden


Photograph 1:

The interaction between animals and humans in nature is an existing topic.

There are so many squirrels and many kinds of birds living in the botanic garden,

and the photograph shows the little girl‘s curiosity on the squirrel.

Photograph 2:

As a Buddhist believer, this sculpture makes me feeling really cordial, which shows the diverse cultural acceptance in Edinburgh!




Other scenery

P1:  my bus ticket

P2: The scene on the way