This story is about a young boy born with HIV who is nurtured by his adoptive mother to overcome the virus while hoping to raise awareness of how HIV is transmitted.

The first storyboard tells of the ways in which HIV spreads, such as through blood, saliva, drugs, etc. The second shows a woman who sees a child abandoned on the side of the street, the red dots represent the HIV virus that the child was born with.

The third shows the woman taking the child to the hospital for a medical check-up, only to discover that the child is carrying HIV, but the woman adopts him anyway. The fourth shows the child on his way out of the house and sees the school scene, with students playing football, holding hands and laughing. He is eager to enter the school, but in fact, he can only look over the bars.

The fifth shows the woman growing up with the child day by day as the child has less and less of the virus, gradually going into latency until another visit to the hospital turns out to be negative and the virus becomes latent. The last one shows the little boy whose virus has turned green and who will not spread it to others entering the schoolyard, talking and laughing with his classmates again.1