This week I have been thinking about which groups my project should primarily serve. Initially my focus was on good health and well-being, based on the context of the COVID era, in the hope that I could help people with psychological problems to improve their current situation. Therefore, I took the psychological problems brought about by the epidemic as my main direction. But then the teacher mentioned some key issues: although psychological problems have a high prevalence age range, they are still an all-age problem, and the needs of the 20 and 60 year olds, as mainstream clients, are completely different for interior design. Therefore, I needed to narrow down my target customers to meet the criteria of designing for a specific group.

Considering that children mostly have parents to take care of them, while middle-aged people mostly have families or their own social circles or income, and older people already have many aspects of social well-being. I therefore focused on the group of young people. I have defined this group as those who have just entered or are about to enter society, having left the care of their families and guardians, and who have not yet established a stable social circle in their new environment.

A similar group of people that fits in with the majority of existing groups is the group of international students: most of them come from other countries or are far from their home countries. At the same time, they are entering a new environment and have not yet developed a stable social circle and are likely to face loneliness. At the same time, as COVID is set to sweep the world in 2019 and 2020, many international students will lose the opportunity to return home and live alone in unfamiliar surroundings for long periods of time. Therefore, this is a group that fits well with my design objectives.

Attention:This is a scoping discussion and there are bound to be a relatively small number of specific groups. It is just that my project needs to reach a wider audience in a limited way.

I have conducted research on university students and post-epidemic issues and have come up with the following results.