I began by using acrylic paint on a 20cmx25cm canvas to map out the overall shape I was going for. 

I originally wanted to paint fairly realistic depictions of the fuchsias. However, I soon decided that to better convey my emotions and the meanings behind the piece it would be a better idea to focus less on being super precise with it.

I left a lot of the yellow base I painted still peaking through as this allowed both a contrast in tone with the background and in colour with the fuchsias. I found it quite hard to achieve the vibrancy I was after with only the paints I already owned so had to go out to buy a bright pink paint. I think this was a wise idea and was vital in achieving  my desired impact.

after painting most of the base I then went in and created smaller details using coloured pens. I didn’t have an overall image in my head for what I wanted from this stage and instead just tried to think of my times in my nan’s garden and then try to depict those feelings on the canvas. If I was to go back and do this piece again I would defiantly want to do it on a larger scale like an A3 canvas. The larger scale would allow me to add more of the details that I think really tie the whole piece together.