I made some small drawings of some idea for pieces. Each of these flowers symbolises specific memories, places or times in my life that I want to somehow be represented through the final outcome.

Rhododendron- danger, to beware, energy: There’s a large rhododendron in my garden at home that I used to climb when I was little, I have lots of memories of being stuck or injured in some way while doing so. I want to show both sides of finding something beautiful that at the same time holds memories of pain.

Buttercup- joy, youth, friendship:  Like most people I associate this flower with childhood due to the game of holding one to people’s chins. I want to portray a sense of warmth and joy to reflect these happy memories and create something that most people can hopefully recognise.

Fuchsia- elegance, amiability, confiding love: I remember these very clearly from my Nan’s old garden. I think the overall shape and colours really intrigued me as they looked almost like an imaginary flower or something alien. Again the meanings I found reflect my real like experience with them and my time with my Nan.

Cherry blossom- good education, renewal: There used to be a row of cherry blossoms that I would pass on my way to school everyday. Although they only bloom for a short while they always made a real impression on me for how they transformed the road they were on. Good education is a more niche meaning but I decided to go with it due to my memories of the flowers.