Printmaking, paintings and sculptures

Large painting for degree show – ive spent the entire semester on this piece  –








Communicating and visualising psychosis through printmaking – I’m finding collographs a good way for me to develop this. They are cheap to make and through viscosity printmaking I can capture colour that is not directly intended. I don’t know whats going to come out until the print is complete. I think the process can be seen as a reflection of psychosis in the way I’m using it. (first time viscocity pm been done at the uni in 20 years!)

180x90cm painting – based of a memory of an episode where i vividly in my whole body remembered my childhood trauma. The painting is developed from an etching and portrays 2 people one under covers and the other facing away. The one facing away has crosses and a halo like a saviour but she’s not. The other is crawling under a blanket.







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