Masters Project Experimenting

I am a multimedia artist working in Edinburgh, Scotland. My work encapsulates my own experience with bipolar disorder and mood dysregulation.
I communicate and interogate the complexities and extremes through a personal language of jarring mark making, juxtaposed with representational objects.
My research explores the challenges of trauma survivors, creating a visual narrative of their experiences with intent to interact with and create a necessary dialogue around mental health to society at large.
Exposing mental illness is a vital part in gaining public recognition, to address a vastly misunderstood area.





Etching- plate destroyed now From the night it happened Etching ghost cat loses eyeball Etching dog deer


Fetal tissue – looking at USA – 3rd world country – going to make a flag utilising these colours

Vaginal swabs –

Idea – wire sculpture that mimics lines of printmaking/drawing – emersive with fabric mimicking lights


Placement inspired by Howerdina Pindells exhibition at the Friitmarket – black hand casts under flag
@kathleen.mcvey.artist  instaGram

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