Lyubov Popova – Painterly Architectonic
John Cecil Stephenson – Painting II

Laszlo moholy Nagy – Sil I
Barbara Hepworth – Wave
Botanical Out house
Dutchman’s Pipe
Hakonechola marcra
Photos from Exhibition
4801 Chair
Inside Museum
Focusing from on Features outside Museum
Sculpture by Simone Ten Hompel
9.30 – Began my long walk to the Modern art Gallery.
9.30 – Listening to up beat music to start the journey.
9.45 – Appreciating the beautiful city we live in .
10.30 – Met group 8 in the sun outside the Modern Art Gallery.
10.30 – Made friends.
10.45- Admiring the inspirational artwork which surrounded us.
11.15 – Began group walk to the Botanical Gardens.
11.15- Chatting.
12.00 – Wondered around the inviting garden enhancing the warmth of the sun on our skin.
12.45 – Enjoyed our lunch.
13.00 – Began the last leg of our Journey.
13.15 – Redirected to a new path by the police.
13.30 – Explored the Museum.
13.30 – Experiencing the falling light through the ceiling
13.45 – Fascinated by all the history which surrounded us.
14.30 – Said our goodbyes.