My Drawing is my Final abstraction of the Sculpture. Using a blue pen I wanted to create sharp geometric pattern inspired by the style of Charles Sheeler, with the intention of having These Geometric shapes and patterns with strong Blocks of colour.

New York No 1
For this Piece of art I was Inspired by Charles Sheeler’s. I was particularly interested in the style in his art piece Wind, Sea and Sail, This style of creating flow and movement in his piece is what I wanted to incorporate into my piece.

Wind, Sea and Sail
For My Final Piece I was Inspired by the artist Robert Rauchenberg, What I like a lot about His work was his use of different media, techniques and the use of collage. In Previous attempts of this piece of my work from feedback from tutors they said I overdid the collage and complicated it too much. So i have simplified my collage for a more refined look.