1. Don’t feel stressed if I am unproductive – leave time to get bored (stick with a project long enough for this to happen).
  2. Share work before I think it is finished.
  3. Talk/write regularly about my work and research to help articulate meaning.
  4. Make a note of new words or phrases that can used to summarise my work or research interests – expand vocabulary and become more concise.
  5. Make every idea that I think of – do not talk myself out of it.
  6. But let go of things as work develops – edit.
  7. Develop work with the space where it will be viewed in mind – be that the studio, publication, public space or internet.
  8. Take and make opportunities to not work alone.
  9. Use up materials I have, use found/made materials and sustainably sourced materials. Save waste materials and incorporate.
  10. Make work that doesn’t rely on a gallery/official art space to be complete. Be critical about who has access to the spaces that my work exists in.