As MELT, Loren Britton and Isabel Paehr are arts-design researchers who work with play, technology and radical pedagogy. Tuning to the material-discursive conditions of tech infrastructures, they trouble patterns of agency in socio-technological systems with the methods of queer play, unlearning and leaking. Their work crumbles structures, unbounds materials, dissolves technology and makes collectivities. MELT turns up the heat, and reads Denise Ferreira da Silva to understand how heat links climate change to colonialism, and from there they un-discipline knowledges from trans*feminism, computation and chemistry. MELT is exploring the limits of classification, stability and of practicing (re)flow(ing). MELT has been shaped by (melting) Ice, Freezers, Software, Disability Justice, Trans*feminism, Signal, moving at trans*- crip- kinship- time, Black Feminisms, Materialisms, Post/De- Colonial thinking, Gifs, Climate Protests, Anti-Racism and Dancing.