Made for Abbas Zahedi’s workshop on Nothing. Thinking about the way the sea foam (unknown mix of materials/possible chemicals frothed into a bubbly material) moves in reaction to the air and wind to turn into nothing.

Thinking back to Tim Ingold’s ‘Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing’ that I read as part of Surface Matters reading group.

‘…interchange between the more or less solid substances of the earth and the volatile medium of air.’

‘If the solid earth were to melt into air, then the ground would simply disappear.(Gibson 1979)’

‘Formed by creatures – human or non-human – that must perforce breathe the air as they walk the ground, it is not only impressed in the earth but suspended in the currents of wind and weather that, dragging the earth’s surface, conspire to erase it. Looking for a way to express this essential ambiguity of the track, as at once terrestrial and aerial, Brown evidently found it by splitting the difference. ‘Near’ the ground surface, it is not quite of the earth and not quite of the air, but of both simultaneously. The synonymy between the wind of the meandering path and the wind of the swirling air may, then, be more than accidental.’

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The slime initially acts like glue, sticking the slug to the surface. But when the slug’s foot presses down hard enough on the mucus, it becomes more liquid, allowing it to flow underneath the moving slug.