‘It begins to become creepingly apparent among these future ecologies that whoever we currently consider alive or organic, will inevitably change.’

‘you might be healed with DNA from a bioluminescent eel, say, but you get the sense you might not recognize yourself afterwards.

Holder’s work deals primarily with the limits of human knowledge systems: the alien isn’t in the far future or on another planet; it is under a leaf, in the depths of the sea, already inside us.’

– The Mutants We Become – Chris Fite-Wassilak

dark space and floor space

Fotomuseum Winterthur: Situations.
Cluster Post Fail.
Situations #101 bis #110.
Situation #101: Michael Mandiberg, FDIC Insured, 2008 – 2016
Situation #102: Adam Basanta, A Truly Magical Moment, 2016
Situation #103: Felicity Hammond, Capital Growth, 2015
Situation #104: IOCOSE, Elevated Bangalore, 2015
Situation #105: Jon Rafman, Still Life (Betamale), 2013
Situation #107: Peter Halley, Out of Time, 1988
Situation #108: Discipula, aus How Things Dream: Communication, 2016 –
Situation #109: Harm van den Dorpel, from Srum Kanban, 2015
Situation #110: Joey Holder, Feldspar – Hadal Zone, 2017