1. I will draw everyday and remember that drawing is essential to my creative process, it is the starting point for my ideas. I will draw for drawing sake and not worry how it ‘relates’ my work and what it means.
  1. Draw or paint gesturally. Be playful. Take Risks
  1. Be unfaithful to painting and make some sculpture. Material and form are important
  1. Make large scale modular work
  1. I will apply paint in ways which leave for an element of unpredictability and chance:  pouring, dribbling, scrapping, dragging, printing, the use of unconventional objects rather than a brush.
  1. I will do something rather than contemplating all the possible things I could do. 
  1. I will leave my studio tidy and organised at the end of the working day. I will make a plan and lay out materials for the next working day so I won’t arrive in the studio and not know what to do. 
  1. I will have a day a week where I change the materials, try something new and allow time to explore some of the ideas which float around my head. In accordance with rule 6, this must be decided the day before!!!
  1. I will make a list of these ideas in an ideas book. I will stop worrying about disparate themes and ideas and instead notice the connections. 
  1. I will seek out and apply for  ‘project based’ and ’site specific’  opportunities which align with my interests in creating work which ‘maps the city’