Last couple of weeks I have been painting and working through ideas in the studio for the set where the performance is to happen .

We have yet to decide where the performance will happen but it will be a space where I have complete control over the light so that I can experiment with illusionistic space using UV and fluorescent colours.  The hoarder in me has collected interesting bits of wood over the years and I had a thought to paint these with white gesso and combine them to create a series of free standing sculptures reminiscent of play park furniture but also of an abandoned and broken stage set of a rave.  I plan to paint smiley face and artEfact designs onto these sculptures using both glow in the dark and invisible neon colours so that during the performance they will appear when we switch the light from daylight to UV during the performance. I have also been working on some drawing and paintings as a means of thinking through drawing but potentially these paintings may occupy space in the set also.