At the beginning of this year I applied to Kelburn Garden Party to create an installation for the art trail in The Never-ending Glen.  Below is my proposal which is still in consideration for 2021.

I propose to create a sculptural installation using found objects, copper and ceramics.  The installation will be comprised of individual elements, some using old bathroom sinks as a base.  Copper pipes will protrude out of each sink through the tap hole. The copper pipe will be bent and twisted into quirky shapes and will be laden with ceramic taps, spouts and shower heads.  I will also incorporate a number of copper pipe sculptures where the copper is embedded into a concrete base.  Some of the pipes will be oxidised to create a vibrant turquoise colour and others will be polished and varnished to a shine. 

A variety of old and antique shower heads and taps will be used to create plaster moulds for slip casting the bathroom wares into porcelain. I will create around 12 of these sink sculptures which will be then combined and clustered together on site to form the installation. The approximate overall dimensions of the work will be 2.5 m x 2.5 x 2.5 m high.

I envisage the work to be placed alongside the river, ideally in a place where is can be viewed from a slight distance but which is not easily accessible to the festival goers.I would like to take advantage of the proximity to the river and introduce a playful element which would allow water to flow through the some of the pipes and cast elements. A sunny day casting light across the work would be a be a delight of rainbows, glistening copper pipes and gleaming porcelain.

This week with the help of ECA casting technician Uist, I have made my first plaster mould.