By far the biggest chair I’ve found yet, this leather chair occupied our flat’s living room for about a week, much to the distaste of my flatmates.

My original intentions for this chair was to leave in an accessible space for others to contribute what they liked to it. Because of  the current covid laws, I haven’t been able to connect much with the other students in my block, and I though this would be a fun way to do so, however my plans to leave the chair at the bottom of our stairwell were immediately shut down by site staff. To get around this, I thought about moving the chair to the flats of people interested in contributing, but ultimately decided that this was too much of a faff.

My ‘contribution’ was this painting, a personification of the chair. Tired, decrepit, and smoking a cigarette since the chair stank a bit.

This was note I had intended to leave with it.

Building on my broken wooden chair structure (which I had left abandoned for a few weeks in the ECA building), I began to tape the splintered parts of the chair I had smashed at Arthur’s seat.

I then tried combining this with the leather chair. I felt the neon hair and pen contrasted too much with the cream and brown tones of the chairs, so I decided to cut those sections off. During a crit, this was compared to a climbing frame, and I agree as I think the object would be quite fun to climb around. As a potential new performance piece, I’d like to record myself trying to fit into the different gaps in the structure, and attempt to sit on the seat. Alternatively, in a less destructive performance, I could film myself pretending to interact with the object and then project this onto the piece, although the complex shape of the structure may split up the light to the point at which the image is no longer recognisable.