Inspired by the CCTCA lectures, I wanted to explore how I could make an artwork that was anachronistic.

With this piece, I reference some surrealist artworks of the past, and revisited some themes/motifs I had explored in my previous works. I performed these for a polaroid camera, which is arguably a redundant piece of technology, that has only survived for nostalgic and aesthetic purposes. I don’t think I’ll continue to produce work like this for this project, but this was a fun way for me to visualise some the ideas that came to me from the set reading, and relates to the ideas I’ve recently been exploring relating to identity.

With these objects, I wanted to combine the technological with the mystic and old fashioned. In the video, the ancient way of creating light is combined with the modern. Smooth, natural drips of wax juxtapose the programmed lights of the sequencer.