Mise-en-scène (French: [miz.ɑ̃.sɛn]; “placing on stage”) is the stage design and arrangement of actors in scenes for a theatre or film production, both in visual arts through storyboarding, visual theme, and cinematography, and in narrative storytelling through direction.



I’ve decided that at least for the first half of this project I’d like my work to be based online. I don’t want to present my work in a way that’s replicating the bourgeois aesthetic of a white/black cube;  it will exist through one or more interlinking websites, in a way that’s freely accessible. I’m considering ways in which my project could work like an Alternate Reality Game (ARG), which is an interactive form of transmedia storytelling, which has become increasingly popular and accessible in recent years from the rise of the internet. It will exist as physical circuits and chips in a few physical server locations, but as a bright image on a screen in many spaces and times at once, simultaneously. I don’t want to use these sites as an advertisement for my work, but rather the work is the site itself. However, by  subverting the methods that advertisers and influencers employ, my work can act as a critique of this system and maybe an antidote to what’s usually offered to consumers.


In my initial mind map, I began to explore ideas such as creating/stealing identities and the transfer of data (online and physically). For my research, I’m going to start by looking into the GDPR and other data protection and privacy laws, and how what we share online in a legal and personal sense is no longer our own. Memes are an excellent example of how images are rapidly spread with no regard to copyright law, and convey meaning and messages without words. I also want to look into the ways corporations control the flow of data in a way that works above the law, and also ways in which they control our language – such as having ownership of certain words, and how company names have become everyday sayings, like how google is used as a verb.