I started this piece thinking of the journey a toothbrush. I also thought it would be interesting to give an opposing perspective to our own.

I attempted to make it a mystery and therefore not depict a toothbrush in my storyline.

Here I have used some cling film to create the illusion of being inside the package.
Here is the inside of the bathroom from the point of view of a toothbrush.
Next is the toothbrush about to be used for the first time, it looks scary and intimidating I used a toothbrush for the outer markings.

Here the toothbrush is entering the bathroom bin.

This is the toothbrush at the top of the landfill.The end of the toothbrush’s life ends as waste plastic.

My project has diverged into more of a waste and pollution focus, I would maybe add another few stages about the world in 1000 years from the toothbrushes perspective.