“The sh’t fight’s gonna get vicious and malicious
Cut the cr’p, I need my red delicious”

– Flight of the Concords, Too many Mutha’ukers

Neat idea for resolved work: To have an apple with a growth on it. Since the material is wax, I can later manipulate it using heat to give a melted affect. This method is really interesting as I have little to no way to revert the wax to its original form. The concept of un-replicable objects intriguing as the original object did stem from a mass produced, identical product. It’s also adds an extra metaphor when connecting it back to the Ugly Food’s concept. As I am unable to control the wax, I inadvertently have to allow nature and it’s natural processes to grow and metamorpihize in it’s own way, just as produce and all growing organisms do. This lack of control as a maker, is liberating as I can no longer control the aesthetics of my piece. Same is applicable to our perception of produce and how it actual manifests in our world.