Since I’ve decided to work with remembered sounds from places I cannot longer visit due to the pandemic, I’ve been piecing together old video and audio recordings to recreate the places that I remember so vividly. Through listening to videos I’ve taken in the past of the places I’ve been, I’ve noticed that most of them are of music, from buskers to staged performances, I’d like to explore this further and see if I can put across the understated role music plays in creating an atmosphere and soundscape.

I’ve included a video I’ve put together using different audio recording from a range of locations and times to recreate the sounds of the James Simon park in Berlin which was one of my original locations to map the soundscape of. I’ve also recorded myself drawing a bicycle with an audio recording of the sounds of my friends and I riding bikes in Copenhagen. I’d like to do more of this, combining remembered and recorded sounds with illustrations of the sounds or my memories from that particular place.

‘Recreated Memories’, Louisa Thomson, 2021.

‘A Cycle Through Copenhagen’, Louisa Thomson, 2021.