Friday evening on Portobello Beach, Edinburgh

Following from the previous digital collage created in response to the sounds of South Clerk Street, Edinburgh, I decided to create a second digital collage in response to the sounds of Portobello Beach.

I worked with a number of photographs taken on Portobello on a sunny Friday evening. Each photograph was taken in response to the noise the subject made:

Edward Cawood: Untitled, digital photograph (2020)

Edward Cawood: Untitled, digital photograph, (2020)

Edward Cawood: Untitled, digital photograph, (2020)

Edward Cawood: Untitled, digital photograph, (2020)

Similarly to the previous collage, this collage is comprised of cropped and cut variations of these photographs. It has been arranged on a digital scan of blue-lined grid paper.

The collage was inspired by Cy Twombly’s artwork, ‘Natural History, Part 1, Mushrooms’, which is a series of works featuring lithographs and mixed media elements collaged in a way evocative of a sketchbook:

Cy Twombly: ‘No. VII’ in ‘Natural History, Part I, Mushrooms’, (1974)

Edward Cawood: ‘CORVUS’, digital collage, (2020)

The collage features the word ‘CORVUS’ (genus of the crow family), as the overarching noise of the beach was the cawing of carrion crows, as well as the sound of the sea.