Creating a visual ‘map’ of urban Edinburgh

Tuesday morning’s synchronised walk led me along South Clerk Street, Edinburgh. When documenting the short walk, the aim was to take photographs,  using my phone-camera, of things/moments which created a sound which drew my attention.

The images that I worked with showed varying subjects:

Edward Cawood: ‘Crow: South Clerk Street’, digital photograph, (2020)

Edward Cawood: ‘Pigeons near Old College’, digital photograph, (2020)

Edward Cawood: ‘South Clerk Street Grocery’, digital photograph, (2020)

This image, however, is a photograph from my personal image-bank, showing the yellow line on Platform 1 of Birmingham’s Moor Street Station:

Edward Cawood: ‘Moor Street Station Platform, Birmingham’, digital photograph, (2018)

Alongside these images, I also painted crow’s feet and abstract lines, representing the clouds. These elements were scanned and digitally manipulated (threshold) with Photoshop.

The original images have been cropped and adapted to create this collage.

The resulting collage also features a background of yellow note-paper, which is the colour I prefer to write on. On the back of the paper is the plan of the collage, which is slightly visible:

Edward Cawood: ‘Yellow Paper’, digital scan, (2020)

The resulting collage has increased saturation for vibrancy and to match the bright colours of urban Edinburgh:

Edward Cawood: ‘Sounds of South Clerk Street on a Tuesday Morning’ – mixed-media digital collage (November 2020)