Working with the ‘Found Object’ continued:

Following from the previous week, this week I experimented with photographing this idea of ‘Half Empty / Half Full’

Using the same filled glasses (with both the coins and Nokia phone remaining inside the water) I placed them behind a single sheet of plain white paper. This paper was lit from behind by natural lighting (overcast). This created soft impressions of the glasses, with ethereal highlights. These images (below) were photographed in colour and desaturated in Photoshop:

I then experimented using baking paper instead of plain printer paper to see how different grains and translucencies affected the shadows:

The glasses appear with fewer shadows, which are more defined (higher level of contrast)

I then experimented with using colour. I lit the two glasses from behind (slightly to the right), using a single bulb lamp, and then placed them behind a single sheet of white paper:

The resulting forms have yellow highlights and bluer shadows. The grain from the paper makes the shadows appear softer.