feel like intermedia is the right place for me – feel able to explore and push what materials I use and how I create and display work. the openness is really refreshing.

postcard – wanted to express the psychosomatic sensations I get at the thought of ‘sending a postcard’. I’m creating a wearable postcard that corresponds with where I feel the sensations such as grief-weight, tension, prickly-anxiety, open-pressing. there is a little frustration at the timeframe affecting the quality of what I make – if I had more time I could explore materials that better resonated with sensations, more easily incorporate colour, and explore ‘wearability’ of my postcard (at the moment I think I’ll have to demonstrate wearing it with a LOT of tape). at least these things show curiosity/what I’m interested in.

how to create a structure that unfolds up the body using the dimensions of a postcard