‘Don’t wait to have your interests green-lighted by your Art Practice Tutor, get researching now so you have material to discuss ! ‘ – course organiser email


2 workbooks – personal research / artistic research – digital or hardcopy

Immediate interests:

Research methods:  using chance/movement/drawing

What will be challenging: collaboration, using archives, collections, sound/moving image // using online artist books (how)

Existing interests: psychosomatics and movement (Laban’s efforts, https://www.pinterest.co.uk/handsofawatch/masks/) , participation art/re enactment (Jeremy Deller), chance (Burroughs), the non-anthropocentric view (Thacker), memory and imperfect memory, drawing the impossible (Christo, Lebbeus Woods), connections and associations, helmets, boundary between self and other

Interest piqued by course: AF’s ‘Three Double Tales’, sharing research with final years, Ewan Robertson (from Drawn to the City module), movement space politics wk8, The Extended Mind wk9 N Gansterer, wk 10 zines!

Reading list interests

Participation – Claire Bishop

The artist’s joke – Jennifer Higgie

Chance – Margaret Iverson

Memory – Ian Farr

The Object Stares Back – James Elkin

Action points:

Look at final research report templates

Create an action plan for reading and personal/artistic research

Support on how to research artists online