Morning tutorial 5/10/2020

A sharing of artists related to the theme of ‘Extraordinary Object’

Thomas Hirschorn

‘more is more’ / ‘energy yes, quality no’ / ‘universal material’

installations of everyday materials that invite  others into the space

Extraordinairy object?

the use of everyday objects maybe makes the space more comfortable and accessible

using tires to create ‘small spaces’ within the space

putting energy into objects –  maybe through movement

everyday = comfortable?

Key Takeaway:

have a look at Simone Weil Manipoleo (enthusiasm, approach)

Anya Gallachio

exhibiting organic matter that decays/changing in and with the exhibition context

Extraordinairy object?

using the nature of the objects being temporal and interacting with their contexts to explore ideas of death, change and decay – through all the senses

Key Takeaway:

‘Aspire’ candles interacting and changing the space with residue

Christian Marclay

exploring audio objects and ‘audio culture’

Extraordinairy object?

reassembling everyday objects and using them for their original function, creating new sounds from sound-making objects

Key Takeaway:

have a look at ‘video quartet’ and ‘crossfire’ installations

if a guitar is a ‘sound object’, then a hot water bottle is a ‘_______ object’?