
Introduction of ideas surrounding primary and secondary research.

  • Suggestion of making a weekly meeting with yourself: Start with own interests/obsessions, plan your own field trips, set self research questions
  • Own Visual Language: state intentions (through making work and writing about work), how to turn mindmaps into images, consider haptics, what do you want to look at and think about?, consider role of audience, distance self and become audience: ask questions, what do you expect the wrk to ‘do’?
  • Archive/record in a way that works for you
  • Secondary research: be aware of art critic dialogues, what you let yourself be exposed to
So what?

This has given me some practical starting points to actually turn from concept and thought into research and practice.

I have begun making lists of field trip ideas, of what I’m interested in, to help me focus.

Now what?
  • look at example research reports
  • plan gallery visits into diary
  • schedule a weekly ‘meeting with self’ to plan gallery visits, field trip research and practical time
  • plan 1 research trip/collection