I wanted to add this here for reference – from ‘Dada: Art and Anti-art’ by Hans Richter

Richter’s personal knowledge and connections with many of the artists featured really struck me in his descriptions and discussions around different branches of the Dada movement. They feel human, living human lives that Richter witnessed and was a part of.

It was trough this book that back in 2017 I came across Kurt Schwitters. Richter’s description of Schwitters as ‘he himself a total work of art’, and identifying Schwitters’ personal connection with his work.

What I’ve really kept with me is the ‘Schwitter’s Column’, an artifact that is painfully beautiful in the meticulous care and detail to it, that feels so intimate and private it feels almost intrusive to consider being a spectator of it.

It feels very much an extension of Schwitters himself, and the care Richter describes him having for it that literally contains artifacts of those closest to him, into an almost organic constantly-growing manifestation is incredibly emotive for me. The Schwitters Column, and Richter’s description of it, is something I refer back to in order to reignite my belief and excitement in emotive, intimate and impactful art.