Thoughts on productivity


We have only just completed week 1 and I have already felt the presence of my crippling tendency towards procrastination.  I am feeling quite overwhelmed, not by the work that needs to be done, but by formulating a systematic way of approaching the tasks that need to be done.  

During the past week the course consumed a good deal of my mental effort.  I have been mulling over blog post ideas, dipping into the discussion forums, making some headway into my reading list but it all seems to have been an aimless, uncontained use of time and effort.  

My husband suggested I read Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness.   The book essentially sets out some guidelines in order to improve performance, fortify willpower and increase productivity.

One pertinent suggestion the authors made was compartmentalising my day, with each period having a concrete objective.  This I can do! I am a teacher after all – timetabling is not a skill I was born with but certainly one I have mastered over the years.  

I have decided to outline the steps I need to take in order to get my act together.  Perhaps not the most scintillating blog material, in fact a definite candidate for later exclusion, but I know if I’m not doing this for an audience it will not be done thoroughly.

Step 1: Identify activities that will require timetabling:

  • Read the topic brief for the week on MOODLE
  • Read course material (task includes note taking)
  • Contemplate discussion points for the forums
  • Post thoughts to the forum 
  • Read forum posts
  • Reply to forum posts
  • Write blog posts
  • Assignment work
  • Extraneous reading

Step 2:  Devise a weekly timetable and set clear outcomes for each period in the timetable.

Step 3:  Set up processes through which I will engage with the course material, record my notes and keep track of research.

“Peak Performance” also points out that our motivation to accomplish something should be in balance with the perceived degree of effort that is required to achieve it.  In other words the more motivated we are to achieve a goal, the more effort we are willing to expend in the process. Performance can improve through increased motivation (not relevant to me at this stage) or through a decrease in the perception of effort.  I believe that once I create some structure for myself, my perceived effort will decrease and allow me to improve my productivity.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts on productivity

  1. OK, having a systematic approach is important and this looks clear and well thought through to me. I would add a couple of points: firstly, I would say setting a time limit for time on the discussion forums is very helpful as this makes you prioritise the threads most relevant to your areas of interest or learning; and secondly, remember that some of the readings can be challenging and can take up a good deal of your time. Where this happens, the important thing is to focus on your blog posts and reading the forums where it helps your understanding of the readings as it is the blog posts that are assessed.
    Best of luck with your system!

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I stayed away from the forums until Friday this week. I got both readings done and caught up on my blogging. I like your suggestion of using the forums to help my understanding of the readings.

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