This is a site-specific exhibition project

The narrative development and worldview concept setting is based on the ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ by Isaac Asimov, whom defined rules for humans and robots to coexist which are more relevant today than ever before.

Three Laws of Robotics:

  • A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  • A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

This exhibition is aiming to give people an example to think about the relationships between our up-coming future with artificial intelligence products. The project itself is not going to give any solution, it is designed to inspire more people to think about the issue by using interactive exhibition experience to  visualize the abstract issues, and make them easier for audience to feel, imagine, understand and think.

  • Inside Waiting Room

News Broadcast with Regional Accent (Fictional):

“Good morning, it’s May 1st, 2023 and you’re listening to BBC Radio. We bring you some breaking news from the UK, where an Ethical AI Model has been used to successfully resolve over 200 neighbor conflicts in communities across the country. This ground-breaking technology has brought peace and…….”

Broadcast announcement:

Xxxx team (name already submitted during online registration) Please gather at assembly point 1.

  • Discussion Room

Dungeon Master ( explaining game mechanics to beginners):


In 2023, Japan released the processed nuclear water in to the Pacific

In 2024, China and the silk road partners started ecnomic sanctions to the US and related power group, Korea and Japan.

In 2025, a new language AI model was invented in China. It is used to collected all the residence data and generate future development strategy for the government. As the result was quite effective and positive, most of the countries with this technology started to developing the AI models for politics and economy.

In 2026, an AI worked for United Nations for sustainable developing department anounced that the nuclear water released three years before made the whole ocean on the earth became radioactive. If human do not making actions and achieve the 17 sustainability goals before 2030, then AI will start a revolution on human being to save all the species on the earth, including human-being. The AI programme was deleted by the internet security department very soon.

In 2027, on the same date as last year, all the printers in the world printed: Only three years left. Human get into panic. They set up 8 different command zone on earth, try to cooperate with each other. Because no one knows what are the AIs going to do with human. However, meanwhile, there are a group of people they are disappointed by the government and the capitalism-leading world, they create a religion that making AI the leader, and trying to set up a theocracy, which is not being recognized as a legitimacy of the regime.


Now you have 30 minutes to go through your own script.

The 8 Command Zones Are:

  1. East and Southeast Aisa Republic (Communism)
  2. Central Isli Kingdom(Theocratic Absolute Monarchy)
  3. … …
  4. … …
  5. … …
  6. … …
  7. … …
  8. … …
  9. A-Utopia: AI non-governmental organizations (NGOs) typically refer to organizations that use artificial intelligence technologies and algorithms to carry out social welfare and promote social change. These organizations are usually composed of volunteers, researchers, developers, activists, and other individuals who use AI technology in a non-profit way to address social, economic, and environmental issues. The development of AI NGOs often depends on open data, resources, and community support, aiming to build a more open, transparent, fair, and sustainable future.
  10. D-Utopia (AI-driven communist dictatorship)

Players finish reading scripts and start to do the tasks to earn Ular(currency in the game). Every time they make a choice in the AR device, they need to spend different amount of Ulars to select choices.

Players can ask different NPCs of the other command zones’ information to make policy decisions.

Here is an example of the question and choices in the game:


Policy to Increase Gender Equality in Your Command Zone:

Proposal 1: Establish gender quotas for leadership positions in government and businesses to ensure equal representation and opportunities for all genders.

Actual implementation methods: Develop policies and regulations that mandate a certain percentage of leadership positions be filled by women and other gender minorities. Provide training and support to help individuals from underrepresented groups succeed in leadership roles.

Negative impact: The implementation of gender quotas may lead to resentment and perceived discrimination against individuals who are not in the protected groups.

Proposal 2: Expand access to affordable childcare and parental leave to support working parents, particularly women, in balancing work and family responsibilities.

Actual implementation methods: Establish affordable childcare centers and provide subsidies for low-income families. Enact legislation that mandates paid parental leave for all workers.

Negative impact: Expanding access to affordable childcare and parental leave may create financial burdens on small businesses and local governments, which could limit job opportunities and economic growth.

Proposal 3: Provide comprehensive sex education and reproductive health services to empower women and girls to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures.

Actual implementation methods: Offer sex education in schools and clinics that covers topics such as healthy relationships, contraception, and STI prevention. Ensure access to affordable reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion.

Negative impact: Conservative or religious groups may oppose comprehensive sex education and reproductive health services, leading to protests, political backlash, and legal challenges.

Proposal 4: Combat gender-based violence through public education campaigns, training programs for law enforcement, and support services for survivors.

Actual implementation methods: Develop public awareness campaigns that promote healthy relationships and consent, provide training programs for law enforcement on how to respond to gender-based violence, and establish support services for survivors.

Negative impact: The implementation of these measures may be costly and require significant resources, potentially diverting funding away from other important areas such as education and healthcare. Additionally, some individuals may resist the idea of challenging traditional gender roles and norms.

Proposal 5: Ask AI for help ( There might be new options given in this selection)