Stuck here for a while

The week of the 26th I’ll be staying in Applecross. I’ll be a memorial to my mum as her birthday is the 27th, the first since she died. I really want to take the time to draw and find those little tourism pamphlets that are always around up there in tourism shops and hotels. I think using the pamphlets would maybe make a cool collage with my map idea. Drawing will also be really important when I’m there, I’m most happy when I’m drawing so I hope while doing so it’ll help me be able to push further with my project.


I really like the ideas that I have created through my map project, however i can’t help but feel there is something missing. Looking at my last development (which is roughly A4 sized) I like the features but it just feels undeveloped, it needs more stuff… the work i usually create and like is full of stuff; texture, line, stuff. My mind leans very heavily towards drawing visually and not as often painting. Which doesn’t really help me create well thought out and rounded paintings. I’m thinking of maybe taking my maps down a more drawing orientated route. I just don’t know how.


I quite like how this came out, the lines which I took from traditional maps. It definitely has more dimension but the lack of bright, jarring colours isn’t as entertaining I find.

Exploring old maps

I wanted to push my exploration further and try some different colour schemes. I wanted to try and use more neutral colours. This reminded me off really old maps what were most browns and beiges.

Primary Research

As I began to explore maps more and I have created more of a concept for my project, Pinterest has proven most useful for my primary research. I have my own Pinterest for my research for class. It’s been very useful for collecting images of places around the world. Pinterest isn’t the most reliable source but that fairs well for my project. I want to explore “anonymous” places created due to the internet. Quite often you’ll find pictures of houses or scenery which no context on where it is or what it once was. I find this really fascinating as the internet takes almost all meaning out of everything, even places. Everything is being shared all the time and places begin to lose meaning and purpose. This is why Pinterest and the internet has been my most used source of primary research as they fit in with what I am exploring.

Ingrid Calame

Ingrid Calame has always inspired my stye, ever since we were shown her work in college. The way her layering creates such an intense colourful explosion is just so interesting to my eye.


This is still currently a work in progress, although it might always be. Changing my approach and sticking to this style that works for me i was able to shake off the discouragement my last attempt left me in and helped me develop into a new idea.

My favourite Drawing

I think the light beige and the black ink creates a really simplistic balance that is so easy to look at yet the marks and scribbles creates something that makes the eye work harder. The house really blends in well and ties the whole drawing together.