Fischli and Weiss- Suddenly this Overview

Another of Fischli and Weiss’s works “Suddenly This Overview,”  was a series made over 30 years of humble, unfired clay sculptures depicting, in encyclopedic fashion, hundreds of scenes from history and culture, both significant (“The First Potatoes Arrive in Europe”) and mundanely silly (“Mr. and Mrs. Einstein Shortly After the Conception of Their Son, the Genius Albert.”) 

“There are good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods that they can get into, you see,” he explained. “The bad neighborhoods are where they go and try to create too much meaning. Very sneaky! You always have to be on guard.” – Mr. Fischli  

Fischli and Weiss- The Least Resistance


Fischli and Weiss’s 1979 film ‘The Least Resistance’ the artist duo bought shabby animal costumes from a film supply shop and wandered around sunny Los Angeles trying to make it rich in the art world and failingMs. Spector in The New York Times described Rat and Bear as a kind of alter-ego template that guided Mr. Fischli and Mr. Weiss through their career. “I think with the dynamic of two people it’s often: ‘Can we do this crazy thing? Why don’t we try it?’” she said. “I always imagined there was a lot of laughter and a lot of talking and scheming together.” 

Artist research- Monster Chetwynd

Monster Chetwynd is an artist who works in many different mediums including performance, costume and instillation building. She Is quoted as saying her work is ‘impatiently made’, I like this quality of her work, the inaccurate and child-like way of creating is almost more wholesome and fun. I think it’s similar to my practice, getting inspired by everything from TV to nature to historic events (basically anything) and wanting to realize the ideas quickly, often using cheap and found material.