Open vs. digital?

Considering the fact that the link that was facilitated to do this week’s task is not working. Actually, it has not worked for the whole week, plus all the conversation that had happened on the formal forum and the other informal chats, I think it is safe to say, that Open badges are not in their best shape.

Also, reading this week articles didn’t help me make a real picture of what an Open badge, I felt jumping from one site to another without really figuring out what was related to the Ahn et al table. I have the feeling of finding better and clearer information on Wikipedia’s site (the open project par excellence) Reading information there helped me to understand and consider what is a real open initiative or, just mere use of digital badges.

I have to thank my classmates for this week because it is thanks to them that I am able to produce something. Thanks to the conversations and uncomfortable questions I had challenged my opinions and thoughts and I have been motivated to find information.

I think I have been very optimistic about the use of badges. Once again, I think my personal experience and my background in tech have created a biased view when considering the current use/success of open badges. I have to say, that part of my optimistic view has been demolished. I still believe that the use of badging is a tendency and it will increase. However, I wonder if it will be the use of OPEN digital badges or only DIGITAL ones.  Like Henry Jenkins (2012), I am a sceptic of open badges, especially for educational purposes, because many people in the field consider they don’t carry the same weight as other qualifications. As I mention, the culture and history of badges and the idiosyncrasy of the educational system is a barrier for the open badges to success. However, I think digital badges will be used as an extra validation, motivation and gamification component. 

One Reply to “Open vs. digital?”

  1. ‘Considering the fact that the link that was facilitated to do this week’s task is not working. Actually, it has not worked for the whole week, plus all the conversation that had happened on the formal forum and the other informal chats, I think it is safe to say, that Open badges are not in their best shape.’

    Sorry to hear that the link was (and is) broken. Do let me know if you encounter any other broken links during the course and I’ll follow them up. That said, I gather that the whole university system was down for a few hours yesterday which is way beyond what I could resolve – hopefully it didn’t affect your blogging (and apologies if that was the case, Lidia).

    ‘I think I have been very optimistic about the use of badges. Once again, I think my personal experience and my background in tech have created a biased view when considering the current use/success of open badges. I have to say, that part of my optimistic view has been demolished. I still believe that the use of badging is a tendency and it will increase. However, I wonder if it will be the use of OPEN digital badges or only DIGITAL ones.’

    Something I’ve been thinking of is whether the name ‘badge’ works against these kinds of resources? For those with a particular interest in employability and CV enhancement, I wonder whether ‘badge’ sounds a little too playful, particularly compared with ‘certification’ or something a bit more tangible (and traditional)? Or perhaps I just find it hard to move away from the idea that badges were something I collected and wore as a child (and at other times since, to be fair) for a bit of fun. Pop groups, football teams, favourite TV shows etc. On the other hand, the students association here at Edinburgh University have a Teaching Awards Scheme and nominees receive a lovely enamel badge through the mail: I’ve been lucky enough to receive a few over the years and, like many staff, I proudly display them. Thinking back to your commentary of the open badge passport, maybe it’s the point that a badge (whether physical or digital) needs to have wider credibility and recognition to be successful?

    By the way, that’s a really nice visualisation of open badges vs digital badges – a really neat way of drawing out the differences that I think it would have been hard to capture in a more conventional linear and purely written way. Nice work here and across this block, Lidia. I’m looking forward to your take on the final block…

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