Data thoughts


One Reply to “Data thoughts”

  1. Nice clear visualisation, Lidia.

    The Business Insider immediately made me think of Danah Boyd’s book, ‘It’s complicated: the social lives of networked teens’ (2014). Among other things, Boyd sets out to confront some of the hysteria that exists around young people and technology, drawing similarities with practices of previous generations of young people (spending hours on the phone for instance). What I like her about her work, apart from the fact that she is very clear and accessible, is that she takes a quite measured and pragmatic approach to tech and teens, rather than the kind of device-banning approach described in the article. In fact one of her arguments is that as parents/adults we shouldn’t impose our fear of technology on young people (iPad in the top shelf of linen cupboard for the last two years…) and instead try and understand and work with teenagers. I think you’d like her work, Lidia.

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