This is an image gallery of various things I have been up to during this semester. I have been taking my work outside a lot, trying to be present in nature. I photograph a lot of what is around me. I feel like cycles are important so try to make sure I appreciate the changing of seasons and the moon cycle. I photograph mushrooms an awful lot, I like how they grow from the damp and dark, their shapes often influence my sculptures. I have started also putting my sculptures in various natural places, this is like a bit of game at the moment. Seeing how far we can push those boundaries of context and immersion. A lot of these get followed up with drawings which helps create more concrete ideas. I also write alongside these trips out, they tend to be in lists. Through words and phrases strung together, I would like to see how my writing comes together with the structures I make. I would like to play around with video, sound and maybe reading aloud these pieces to see how they bring the work together.