it’s empty,

not really sure what I was thinking,

sometimes you hear voices from down the stairs,

a whistle or laughter floating,

it really has an echo this place.


you can see what was there before, people’s things,

a piece of tape,

sun burnt outlines,

a piece of wood,

a broken pot,



i thought i had ideas, now well, i’m not so sure,

spaces change perspectives, so do sounds, it smells the same-

a lot of sounds come from outside, hum of traffic,

crunch of a trolley on the concrete, I like that sound.


i went to the botanical gardens earlier this week,

also an empty space, fresh though-

wasn’t that empty, there were lots of beautiful things there,

fossilised tree: i had liked that.


see image, attach here, sign in, out-



chew? (odd word)

today? tomorrow? yesterday?

rumbling has started again outside with the trolley, it’s fast and comforting.